NNNS: When you guys started playing here, was the scene a-political?
Vic: Yeah, and truthfully, if you listen to Effigies songs and listen carefully, the message was fairly right wing. "Mob Clash" said "don't bother to go out there folks, you're just a bunch of dumpheads." I don't want to make it sound like I'm not actually an Effigies fan, the first time I saw them I was blown away. I thought they were just great. I saw them at Oz, early 1981. January or so, or maybe as early as 1980, at one of the Ozes that kept floating around from place to place (laughs). It was just a great sound. Initially, I'd say, I was an Effigies fan and I still think "Haunted Town" is an awesome record. So I'll give those guys their due, although they were kind of a one-trick pony. That record sounds like every other record they did. They never moved beyond those base three chords. They don't necessarily have to. The scene seemed very old to me. I shouldn't have even been in some of the clubs. I was sneaking into these clubs and seeing these bands play, those guys, that older scene, they kept the punk rock thing to themselves. That was the other thing about it. It was a lot of real fucking attitude. I mean all of these guys were like, "who are you? You've got a southern accent," which I'm sure I was still carrying around. "You're some hick from the sticks, get the fuck out. You're not cool enough to be with us." Half of them were affecting British accents. It was funny. There was this side of the scene that was very art school. I can remember this from like '82, '83, the biggest band in Chicago was Orange Juice, this completely obscure British pop band that no one listens to anymore. They were just the rage of the city. Everyone was listening to Orange Juice. "Oh, they're so great!" I was like, "this stuff is wretched, what are you talking about?"
NNNS: Was this a lot of kids who went to Northwestern?
Vic: Oh yeah, there was a lot of Northwestern kids. I don't know that a lot of them went to Northwestern. They were either Northwestern students, or seniors in high school and they lived in Evanston and were kids of the professors up there. So, I don't think I felt very at home in that scene. There was another scene in Chicago at the time, there was sort of this art school, rich kid scene and the Effigies were a big part of that. Then there was another scene down at space place, now I think is completely forgotten. It was in the meat packing district, in the old locker buildings there. We would rehearse there. We had a rehearsal space at Space Place. They converted a bunch of the meat lockers into rehearsal spaces. Ministry used to rehearse next door to us, in the locker over. Back when they were in their New Romantic phase. They had a performance space upstairs and there were a lot of other bands that didn't quite fit into The Effigies' world and the whole Evanston art-house scene, like DV8, Subverts, to a lesser extent, and Urban Decay and then us. But I don't think, especially when we first started in '81, we had not found our voice at that point.
Модераторы: Цусима, греческий огонь, no means no
- XpsychoradarsX
- luc1fer
- Сообщения: 2000
- Зарегистрирован: 03:04:2007 23:57:37
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- Зарегистрирован: 18:05:2009 20:55:29
- Откуда: Blashyrkh
- Контактная информация:
- XpsychoradarsX
- luc1fer
- Сообщения: 2000
- Зарегистрирован: 03:04:2007 23:57:37
- Контактная информация:
- XpsychoradarsX
- luc1fer
- Сообщения: 2000
- Зарегистрирован: 03:04:2007 23:57:37
- Контактная информация:
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- Зарегистрирован: 10:11:2006 12:32:32
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Эллой в принципе тоже ничего. Но мне больше по душе Эйдолон.
- XpsychoradarsX
- luc1fer
- Сообщения: 2000
- Зарегистрирован: 03:04:2007 23:57:37
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- гражданин смельчак
- pre-satan
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- Зарегистрирован: 06:02:2009 03:12:56
- гражданин смельчак
- pre-satan
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- Зарегистрирован: 06:02:2009 03:12:56