дискусcии на тему хардкора, панка, новой и старой школ...

Модераторы: Цусима, греческий огонь, no means no

Сообщения: 28
Зарегистрирован: 06:07:2005 01:44:39
Откуда: Тольятти
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тексты EMBRACE

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есть у кого?
Аватара пользователя
Цап-цап Енотик
kick-ass s1nner
Сообщения: 227
Зарегистрирован: 29:09:2005 12:33:30

Сообщение Цап-цап Енотик »

а где волшбное слово? :roll:
Talking shit online is a way of life
Аватара пользователя
kick-ass s1nner
Сообщения: 134
Зарегистрирован: 21:02:2005 22:15:31

Сообщение mr.mocricca »

"Give Me Back"
Twelve o'clock
And I'm still not dressed
I'm trying to bleed onto paper
But time is not impressed

What Can I do?

Trying to pull out my feelings
But they're deep beneath the day
Time, time, time, time, time
Has hidden them away

What can I do?


I can't get what I want
I'm a failure
Nothing seems to work out right
The way I planned
I can't express the way I feel
The way I feel
Without fucking up
Something else

Nothing seems to work out right
And I can feel it building -

"Do Not Consider Yourself Free"

I didn't want to see people
Hurting people
But I refuse to close my eyes
So in front of me
I see ugly people
Seething and believing ugly

And yes, of course, I'm
Scared of being hurt
And yes, of course, I'm
Scared of being wrong
But at the same time my silence
Will convict me
And the evil will carry on
If I can do some good
I want to do it
If I have a choice
I want to make it
It's my human responsibility
That life lives
Selfishness gives
And death becomes natural

So you can stay cool behind
Your window
And choose the view
You want to see
But as long as there are
Others held captive
Do not consider
Yourself free.

I want my jealousy
But he's fast asleep
I cry for my sadness
But he's too tired to weep
I confront my antagonism
But he only agrees
I wish for my vision
But he's not telling me
What he sees

What can I do?

Happy is too neutral
And I know I'm not content
I still don't want to go
Where the others went

What can I do?

I'm pissed at my anger
But he don't want to fight
I turn to my conscience
But he just thinks I'm right
My insecurities
They got nothing to hide
My emotions are my enemies
For being on my side

What can I do?

Give me back my feelings
Won't you give them back to me
Give them back

I suppose I'm naive
But I find it hard to believe
A person could make
Life so cheap

It's worth nothing today
Because you threw it away
Self-indulgence took
You too deep

In a whole lot of nothing
You got up and went
Leaving behind all the
People you spent

I guess they could call you
A friend
You took them for a ride to
The very end

What a waste

So in the end you didn't have
No friends
Because they sat and watched
You die
A lot of bridges burned with no
Lessons learned
But plenty of reasons to cry

No communication
Complete separation
No talk, no chance to help
I am guilty

I failed you
As a person who should have cared
I shut my mouth
Because I was scared
I hid my feelings
When they should've been bared
I turned you off
And I, I should have cared.

"Dance Of Days"

You know I thought my eyes would be dry
But now I see and know
The moment has a better taste
I will not have my statements
Spit back in my face

We all struggle for our dreams
To be realized
They end up objects of our own despise... why?
The dance of days

How did I find myself standing
In that place?
We had done so much
And now I find myself standing
In this place again
We can do so much more

Maybe we went a little too fast
Maybe we better slow down


Life goes on
Life goes on
Life goes on and on
What's right or wrong
I can't say
It seems so hopeless
And yet I stay
It won't go away
This driving force
That makes me speak
And care and care
And try to change, rearrange
Make sense of this mess
Sometimes I laugh
Sometimes I couldn't care less

"No More Pain"

No more lying down
We've got to speak and move
No more righteousness
Everything is far too wrong
No more selfish tears
You haven't paid for them
No more dressing up
Please leave your costumes
No more looking down
You might bump your head

The purpose is within yourself
The movement is within yourself

Your emotions are nothing but politics
So get control

No more alcohol
It's a Kool-aid substitute
No more heroin
Death is not glamourous
No more ruling class
You're a bunch of silly kids
No more image fight
It's just a sucker punch

Hurt wastes your energy
Suffering wastes energy
Your emotions are nothing but politics
So get control

No more number one
We've got to quit that game
No more attitude
Give it back to the TV set
No more tough-guy stance
I hear your mommy call
No more suicide
It kills everyone
No more petty love
No more petty hate
No more pettiness
No more pain

"I Wish I"

Talk about ugliness
Behind a smiling face
Talk about accomplishments
That have gone to waste
Talk about lies and talking shit
You should be ashamed

Sing about togetherness
And a way to live
Sing about the help
You're not about to give
Sing about your enemies
Sing about yourself
You should be ashamed

I wish I
Could take you
And shake you
I wish I
Could smack the blindness
From your beady little eyes

Shout about your anger
Scream about your rage
Then you shut your mouth
Because of your age
Complete the cycle
You should be ashamed

Dream about a purpose
And a reason to exist
Dream about the love
That everyone missed
Throw your dreams away
And join the frightened world
You should be ashamed

"Said Gun"

Look what you've organized
Do you believe all those lies
There's no courage in hatred
Only in love
Look what you've organized

Attack, defend, you live a fantasy
Nobody wants anything that belongs to you
Sometimes I'd like to kick your fucking ass
But I guess you're just a human too

Why? Why are you here?
You're looking for a reason to hate
So you can fuck someone up
You'd hate yourself if you had the chance
I guess you already do
You fuck yourself up
Every night.

If you have to fight
Then fight the violence
That rules your life
Said gun, said knife
It's going to take your life

"Can't Forgive"

Petty poets with poison pens
Forcing rhymes to get revenge
They better get the person
Who got them good
Themselves, themselves, themselves

You hide the truth when I walk in
Eat your shit with a grin
You better get the person
Who got you good
Yourself, yourself, yourself

Isn't it nice you don't have to look far
To find the person who leave the deepest scar
Isn't it sad that as long as you live
You are the fuck-up
You can't forgive

It's my view of life and I think it's true
You know I'm hurt it's not the same for you
I better get the person who got me good
Myself, myself, myself

Isn't it nice I don't have to look far
To find the person who leaves the deepest scar
Isn't it sad that as long as I live
I am the fuck-up
That I can't forgive



I can truly say I don't give
A fuck about your money
Because it means so much to you
(And all your money)
Why does it mean so much to you?
You speak the land of greed
I'm talking a world of need
Money has nothing to do
With the value of life
But that's just common sense

You call me up and talk
About money
I don't want to hear anymore
About money

Look what people do
Trying to get their money
To buy their fantasies based on
The book or the movie
Fortified cares
Modified principles
Convenience is the name of the
Self-indulgence is the rule (selfish motherfucker)
There are no winners
We all lose
Thanks for nothing

You put yourself up for sale
You're all sold out

"If I Never Thought About It"

The clock will not stop
Making noise
It reminds me of all the time
I've lost
My mind will not just
Settle down
It reminds me of what my
Conscience has brought
I did my shopping alone this
It reveals my loneliness
My mouth keeps shouting out
It reveals my bitterness

If I never thought about it
I would not be here today

Can't stand rejection
It makes me feel inferior
I always strain for lesson
For fear that life means nothing

Tied up, in thoughts
Of what to do
With the body when
The engine rots

"Words Are Not Enough (End Of A Year)"

I don't like parties
They avoid the truth
People lying
In search of a good time
We smile avoid
Unpleasant situations
Put it off, maybe
It will go away

Come together, divide by ages
We're always talking though
But nothing changes
It's the end of a year...
There's another one coming

There will be no victory
No progress made
If we do not stand apart
From the enemy
Oh weak foundations
That we've laid
Melt with the years
You are nothing

We don't move forward
But away
We distance ourselves from
Our history
We justify it with cheap cliches
We're just scared of dying

Words are not enough

"Dance Of Days"

You know I thought my eyes would be dry
But now I see and know
The moment has a better taste
I will not have my statements
Spit back in my face

We all struggle for our dreams
To be realized
They end up objects of our own despise... why?
The dance of days

How did I find myself standing
In that place?
We had done so much
And now I find myself standing
In this place again
We can do so much more

Maybe we went a little too fast
Maybe we better slow down

"Last Song"

I know this is the last time
Goodbye to you my friend
What you had to offer won't be
Seen around here again
And I almost find myself
To let my quits come in, because
I know this is the last time
Goodbye to you my friend

Your demise is a reminder
To the truth that we all face
Nothing is forever
Our efforts can go to waste
But you haven't left me empty
Even if it was just a taste
Your demise is a reminder
To the truth that we all face

It makes me wonder when the
Time will come for me to stroll
When the feelings I embrace
Have nothing left to hold
And the life that I've worked for
Can be bought and sold
It makes me wonder when the
Time will come for me to stroll
rap yo. baby
Аватара пользователя
Цап-цап Енотик
kick-ass s1nner
Сообщения: 227
Зарегистрирован: 29:09:2005 12:33:30

Сообщение Цап-цап Енотик »

ну я не против флуда, но форум то зачем превращать в болото?!:x
Talking shit online is a way of life
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Сообщения: 2941
Зарегистрирован: 20:07:2004 10:00:21
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Сообщение Ihgd »

А это какой EMBRACE - американский или английский?
Але памятай, што ў камянёў таксама ёсьць скрыдлы, а бутэльку з-пад гарэлкi можна залiць бензiнам. Барыкады адчыняюць шлях да свабоды, празь iх не праедуць мянтоўскiя машыны.
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Сообщения: 1514
Зарегистрирован: 28:03:2005 13:41:45

Сообщение секс »

Только американский! Английский-говно на палочке!
как говорил А.Ф. Скляр - "сэкономил на билете, потрать на атрибутику!"

podonok x
родной бог из леса
Сообщения: 551
Зарегистрирован: 05:08:2004 14:44:38
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Сообщение podonok x »

на мой взгляд, это лучшая группа маккея.
воцап? - гуднайт!
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Сообщения: 1514
Зарегистрирован: 28:03:2005 13:41:45

Сообщение секс »

podonok x писал(а):на мой взгляд, это лучшая группа маккея.
Я пожалуй добавлю, что Embrace это одна из лучших формаций во всём американском панк-роке.
как говорил А.Ф. Скляр - "сэкономил на билете, потрать на атрибутику!"


Сообщение Гость »

пожалуй поддержу двух предыдущих ораторов
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kick-ass s1nner
Сообщения: 134
Зарегистрирован: 21:02:2005 22:15:31

Сообщение mr.mocricca »

Цап-цап Енотик писал(а):ну я не против флуда, но форум то зачем превращать в болото?!:x
болото - английский Embrace!
rap yo. baby
Сообщения: 28
Зарегистрирован: 06:07:2005 01:44:39
Откуда: Тольятти
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Сообщение 435 »

группа отличная)
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Сообщения: 2057
Зарегистрирован: 15:08:2004 14:47:07

Сообщение Youngster »

кстати в тему разговора...
есть такая очень любопытная компиляция
VA - Land Of Greed...World Of Need (1994) - здесь группы полностью закаверили весь альбом embrace
1. Nations On Fire - Give Me Back
2. Currrent - Dance Of Days
3. Undertow - Building
4. Groundwork - Past
5. Outspoken - Spoke
6. Sparkermarker - Do Not Consider Yourself Free
7. Function - No More Pain.mp3
8. Blindfold - I Wish I
9. Avail - Said Gun
10. Rancid - Can't Forgive
11. Lifetime - Money
12. Process - If I Never Thought About It
13. Farside - End Of A Year
14. Ashes - Last Song

всем советую заценить если будет возможность.

Сообщение Гость »

да хороший трибьют
Сообщения: 28
Зарегистрирован: 06:07:2005 01:44:39
Откуда: Тольятти
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Сообщение 435 »

очень интересно. может ссылочка есть?)
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Зарегистрирован: 15:08:2004 14:47:07

Сообщение Youngster »

ну всё что могу сказать это www.slsknet.org
я в сулсе нашёл
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Цап-цап Енотик
kick-ass s1nner
Сообщения: 227
Зарегистрирован: 29:09:2005 12:33:30

Сообщение Цап-цап Енотик »

это, кстати, бенефит для бездомных.
Talking shit online is a way of life
Сообщения: 28
Зарегистрирован: 06:07:2005 01:44:39
Откуда: Тольятти
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Сообщение 435 »

! а может табы тоже есть у кого?)