дискусcии на тему хардкора, панка, новой и старой школ...

Модераторы: Цусима, греческий огонь, no means no


Долгожданный альбом и европейский тур Gather!!!

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Слава родным богам! Наконец-то вышел дебютный альбом калифорнийских веган-схе героев, называется Beyond The Ruins!
на www.myspace.com/gather - можно послушать несколько треков!
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1709&hl=en
новое лайв видео Gather
и вот ещё Gather вместе с итальянцами To Kill отправляются в европейский тур:
16.11.2006 Germany Blankenburg JUZ Roh
17.11.2006 Germany Berlin K17
22.11.2006 Belgium Ostend OHK
23.11.2006 UK Exeter The Cavern
24.11.2006 UK Birmingham Market Tavern
25.11.2006 UK Bristol The Croft
26.11.2006 UK Bournemouth The Gander
27.11.2006 UK London Underworld
28.11.2006 UK Manchester Star and Garter
29.11.2006 UK Stoke on Trent The Glebe
30.11.2006 Germany Bochum Matrix
01.12.2006 Austria Dornbirn Schlachthaus
02.12.2006 Italy Pisa Metarock
03.12.2006 Italy Imola Peacemaker
04.12.2006 France Lyon Le Clos Fleuri
05.12.2006 France Paris La Perniche Alternat
06.12.2006 Belgium Izegem Didi's Kot
08.12.2006 Germany Leisnig AJZ
09.12.2006 Germany Selb JUZ

10.12.2006 Poland ZDUN´SKA WOLA Hades
что-то я не понял, что это за город? Варшава или какой-то другой?
10 декабря это воскресенье кстати!;)

11.12.2006 Czech Prag OO7
12.12.2006 Austria Wien Moviemento
13.12.2006 Slowenia Ljubljana Orto Bar
16.12.2006 Germany Lichtenstein JZ Riot
17.12.2006 Germany Bielefeld Movie

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Gather - Beyond The Ruins
Label: Catalyst Records
Release Year: 2006
1) The Green Scare
2) Dollar Signs to the Industry
3) What You're Thankful For
4) Who Belongs
5) Crimson Dawn
6) Glimpses of Hope
7) Power, Privilege, Wealth
8) Changed Minds
9) Domestification
10) Chained to Weakness
11) Crimson Dawn [framework]

1) The Green Scare
Fear the Green Scare, the new Red Scare / "the number one domestic terrorism threat" / But it's no accidentthat lives are saved, not harmed in any case / Power and money, the only things at risk / When your power starts to slip, you tighten your grip / Repression from above, an old tactic of control / but as long as there's injustice, expect resistance / A fight against those value freedom is a war you will never win / With phone tapping and harassing, spying and lying / Infiltration, entrapment, you try to weaken their commitment / In the end, is it in your best interest to defend / that which leads to deforestation, extinction, cruelty, brutality? / Intimidate all you want, but the movement is stronger than that / Try to subdue, but the struggle will continue

2) Dollar Signs to the Industry
You brought the myth that they're put here for us / Now see the hell that results from this / Treated so callously as if machines / Objects, mere dollar signs to the industry / Beaten on the head, stunned but not dead / Nose bleeding, confused, so trusting / Chocking under your foot, you hear it gasp for air / Life draining under your weight, struggling, and you don't even care / I watched you rip the skin right off of her body / Still alive, no where to hide, she can't express the fucking pain inside / Others are born into a cage, just to die by the blade / Their short lives in between pure suffering / No pain killers are used while enduring body mutilations / Most are neurotic due to lack of stimulation / Unable to turn around or spread a wing, unable to breathe fresh air, and they'll never be free / I watched you take her baby away, product of her annual rape / He'll be tortued just like her, until they're both murdered / No one to give them comfort, no one to make them feel loved / No happy ending for them, no one mourns her when they're gone / We'll never get to know her personality / Just another number, dead for your greed / Selfishness / Ignorance / Decides the fate of the innocent

3) What You're Thankful For
"Broken spears lie in the roads; we have torn our hair in grief The houses are roofless now, and their walls are red with blood. Worms are swarming in the streets and plazas, and the walls are plattered with gore. The water har turned red, as if it were dyed, and when we drink it, it has the taste of brine. We have pounded our hands in despair against the adobe walls, for our inheritance, our city, is lost and dead" ...as recalled by a poet of a culture that was wiped out at the hands of the barbarians known as Christians. Invaders of this land, "Murderers of this world". Driven by greed and self-righteousness they brought on the largest holocaust the world has ever known. Babies torn away from loving mother's arms. Thrown to dogs of war, devoured alive. Welcomed them with open arms. Just to have their hands cut off in return. Womyn were raped to prove who dominates. Hanged or burned or disembowled. In God's name, you shall be maimed. From the spread of disease to slavery, to slaughter and still being lied to, history denied. The truth is too depressing, hits too close to home. I blame you, missionaries. I blame the government, I blame every racist objectivist. Fuck the missionaries, fuck the government, fuck every racist objectivist.

4) Who Belongs
How dare you turn a space meant to be about unity into a place that reflects the same old problems we face in society? You claim that there is equality, but have you asked the ones effected by your misogyny? No. There is no excuses for creating an environment where our sisters are made to feel self conscious, insecure, disrespected. Constantly having to prove herself, faced with skepticism and doubt. Being judged twice as hard, ignored but having so much heart. Or, cat calls--humiliating! Being grabbed at--so degrading! For everyone who believes in equality STAND WITH US. For everyone opposed to patriarchy STAND WITH US. Sexism comes in more forms than just violence and rape; certain attitudes and words can alienate. Gender's as arbitrary as race, no tolerance for discrimination in our scene. There's still a need for feminism, there was never any liberation. Given freedom to be consumerists is not a radical movement. And it may not be "cool" to stand against the crowd, DON'T LET THAT HOLD YOU DOWN. Punk is about doing what's right even if it means going against tha majority. This is not just a womyn's issue, it's time for boys and girls alike to take control of this matter, don't stand on the side in this fight. Not one good reason for this sense of exclusion. How did these traditional wiews get inside and start running the shows here too? Let's FORCE THEM OUT.

5) Crimson Dawn
Gifted child, the demon of creation, reigning from a blood drenched throne / Spreading its wings of devastation, all life will drown / An empire consuming the Earth, draining it for all it's worth / In this world of mourning the truth is dead / Lead astray by greedy eyes, trapped behind a wall of capitalist lies / Blind to the blood on our hands, deaf to the anguished cries / In our complacent sphere omens have passed us by / Now we stand in the brink of our demise / I refuse to stand by and let fools destroy the world as they please / I wage a war to bring them to their knees / My oath doesn't offer the elite any peace / A sword forged to make them bleed / Their death will bring us salvation / Breaking the shackles of oppression / Ending these days of exploration / Hail the crimson dawn of revolution

6) Glimpses of Hope
It's times like these, which come more often than I'd like / when it's almost impossible to look on the brightside / Everything I love, all I hold sacred, is threatened--doomed to be taken / It's rare I see beauty without thinking of it's inevitable end, how so much has been lost, or all that could have been / But I can't forgeet the glimpses of hope or the ones who refuse to give up / Time and time again, we've seen that a few with dedication can make great change, can bring about liberation / Cages cut open in the night / Animals run free for the first time / An act of love that saves lives / Corporations that seemed untouchable are now exposed and vulnerable / HLS on the brink of collapse due to uncompromising pressure from SHAC / In a world of insensitivity there is hope for the defenseless / The ones who have been caught, and those who remain unseen believe in the cause enough to risk everything / Those who've been caught, those who remain are the ones who will set the world free

7) Power, Privilege, Wealth
This is a country built upon the system of white supremacy where the subjugation of people of color is justified "because it helps the economy". This exploitation has been deemed "necessary" exposing inherent racism in American ideology. "Progress" made doesn't benefit everybody, only the privileged, not the marginalized communities. Our civilzation requires many to sacrifice against their own will, nothing in it for them. How can you justify, defend a country that weiws people as merely means to an end? Native American reservations used as nuclear testing sites. Irreversible damage to their land, their health, their lives. Clothes sold in the US made by womyn in Mexico in factoris where humyn rights are negligble. Just like when African slaves were called less-than-humyn so whites wouldn't feel guilty about abusing them. America still uses the mentality that it's ok to oppress nations and people of color for its own gain. To maintain privilege, power, and wealth it depends on keeping others down. The government doesn't care about you. To stay ahead in this world, there's nothing it won't do.

8) Changed Minds
What "order" is being maintained here? To whose benefit are these laws for? Each situation not taken into account, so a racist classist sexist institution of forms. Womyn in prisons for self defense, kills her abuser, she finally fights back. Or a resistant assistant to a forceful man, but "battered womyn's syndrome must be a myth". And so her punishment will be more harsh because she's stepped out of her passive role. Of her own life, she van never have control. Stay helpless, don't try to break the mold. Enforcement of a random "norm" established by people I couldn't dispise more. Prisons punish the desperate and those who refuse to conform, to uphold this system's shit, anyone who rejects it is a suspect. But crimes themselves are rarely the problem, they're jsut symptoms of a culture gone terribly wrong. Laws create a dependece on the State, they prevent us from taking matters into our own hands. Meanwhile the mass murderers, environmental destroyers, CEO's and tehir corporations remain free, their actions unpunished. Prisons never worked in the past, try something new. When will we take back our autonomy? When will we set ourselves free?

9) Domestification
Scars cut deep into the mountainside / Logging hearses carry away the dead / Strip mining, relentless destruction Wildlife forced away to make room for the humyn kingdom / I see fields and fields of agriculture / row after row of monocrops, no diversity / It's not so different from the factory farms where animals are confined / Ownership of people is slavery, ownership of animals is the same thing / But ownership of the land is taken for granted due to generations of blind acceptance / No, you're not free, you never were / But nothing really is, ll is controlled / We're not the only one's having our autonomy stripped / In this Taker culture, anthropocentrism rules / Domestivation of all life, the anti-thesis of liberation / We consume, we polute, we exploit, we ignore / We'll pass on a desolate world where all that grows is what we choose, and all that lives is for our own use / We purchase the land as if it's rightfully ours and don't give a second thought to the lives we destroy / We're the rulers of this prison we've set up for everything / Wild animals and plants trapped in parks an preserves / We're a part of this world, just like everything else but we don't act that way

10) Chained to Weakness
Living a life dictated by faith alone, never questioning the validity of this morality; how much does this really benefit you or the world that surrounds you? This faith leads you to fear your god. Wouldn't you rather follow your desires than cower, impotent before an angry man in the sky that you aren't even sure exists? Paralyzed by fear, directed by your "duty" - submit today, hold out for a reward that will never come, willful slavery that stretches to eternity is this the heaven that awaits you? I renounce your sacrifice of will for conscious ignorance. I will turn my back on your blindness and open my eyes to a life that could be our heaven if we'd recognize the fires burning in our hearts. I'll tear down the holy towers - Unleash flames to cleanse your corrupt morality - Erase these lies from memory and leap into a world where we're the gods of our destiny.

11) Crimson Dawn [framework]
Gifted child, the demon of creation, reigning from a blood drenched throne / Spreading its wings of devastation, all life will drown / An empire consuming the Earth, draining it for all it's worth / In this world of mourning the truth is dead / Lead astray by greedy eyes, trapped behind a wall of capitalist lies / Blind to the blood on our hands, deaf to the anguished cries / In our complacent sphere omens have passed us by / Now we stand in the brink of our demise / I refuse to stand by and let fools destroy the world as they please / I wage a war to bring them to their knees / My oath doesn't offer the elite any peace / A sword forged to make them bleed / Their death will bring us salvation / Breaking the shackles of oppression / Ending these days of exploration / Hail the crimson dawn of revolution
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Зарегистрирован: 30:12:2005 12:00:18

Сообщение gloom »

вот это да! смайлики автоматом вместо нумерации выставляются
kick-ass s1nner
Сообщения: 206
Зарегистрирован: 28:09:2005 17:12:56
Откуда: m-town
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Сообщение Vic. »

novie pesni ne ponravilis', gruppa sama po sebe neploxaya, xotia oooochen' sil'no ustupayut seven generations. to est' raznitsia kolossal'naya, v muzikal'nom plane uzh tochno.
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Сообщения: 2052
Зарегистрирован: 21:04:2004 08:48:19
Откуда: Moscow
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Сообщение teigun »

альбом уже я заслушал! крутые!
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Зарегистрирован: 01:03:2006 16:39:33

Сообщение terpentin »

Да,альбомчик очень мощный...жаль к нам не заедут )
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kick-ass s1nner
Сообщения: 128
Зарегистрирован: 10:02:2004 03:48:45
Откуда: hell
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Сообщение |non|2uks| »

от калининграда едит два человека
если что пишите 2kolia2@mail.ru
What you wait?
Сообщения: 1916
Зарегистрирован: 18:06:2005 12:03:56
Откуда: Troitsk
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Сообщение ferrum »

facetomorrow писал(а):novie pesni ne ponravilis', gruppa sama po sebe neploxaya, xotia oooochen' sil'no ustupayut seven generations. to est' raznitsia kolossal'naya, v muzikal'nom plane uzh tochno.
+1 как говорится..
Трэки какие-то нехитовые, в сочетании c довольно неторопливым темпом и средней продолжительностью в 3 минуты слушать их подряд в количестве 11 штук как-то не очень интересно... Честно говоря, ждал большего. Больше всего запомнился трек который есть на сплите с 7 geneerations - who belongs
хотя конечно же ещё буду слушать, может что-то поменяется..
http://www.notpopular.com/lyrics/viewLy ... he%20Ruins
Сообщения: 1916
Зарегистрирован: 18:06:2005 12:03:56
Откуда: Troitsk
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Сообщение ferrum »

Сообщения: 1916
Зарегистрирован: 18:06:2005 12:03:56
Откуда: Troitsk
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Сообщение ferrum »

новый альбом ту килла заебись, но уж больно "причесанный"! Особенно вокал на одной интонации - скримо-аппарат какой-то... Ну и зачем эти дурацкие соляки я тоже не понимаю. Пацаны кстати на gsr перешли