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i object

Добавлено: 07:07:2005 17:45:55
podonok x
Хороший хардкор с девочкой на вокале. Из новья, что слышал в последнее время, пожалуй, они больше всего порадовали.

Добавлено: 07:07:2005 21:40:14
слышал только Self Titled. хотя хк мало слушаю - эти граждане действительно нравятся. вот где бы только найти тексты для почитать?

Добавлено: 07:07:2005 22:21:25
да неплохие ребятки....тока я не нашёл ваще инфы на них в инете. какого года эта семидюймовка?

Добавлено: 07:07:2005 23:22:36
miss bulgaria
в каком то из последних MRR было интервью с ними.

Добавлено: 08:07:2005 00:19:33
podonok x
Вроде недавно вышел компакт first two years, там песни с семерки, сплита с Forever Youth и еще какие-то бонусы…

Добавлено: 15:10:2005 12:42:25
podonok x
интервью из зина wake up and live.

Could you introduce the band?
I object is barb -vocals, ryan -bass, biff - guitar, steve -drums

What’s your opinion on today’s hardcore/punk scene? Has hc & punk become too safe and predictable?
Barb: I think that the hardcore/punk scene is on the rise because touring has become more of an accessible form of communication in the US, for bands to share ideas. People who say that it is not a threat aren’t seeing the right kinds of bands, those who speak their opinion regardless of who is around.
Steve: Yeah I agree that the community of people/bands in the diy scene is as strong today as it has ever been and just to add to what barb said about the safeness of the punk scene, going to see some band in a 1,000 person club is a lot different than seeing a bunch of bands play in some dirty basement in EVERY aspect as far as what the bands have to say, the interaction with the people at the show, and the politics involved with it.

Do you think that hc/punk can make a change on today’s society?
On a more personal level, how did/does hc/punk influence your life?
S: I don’t know about impacting mainstream society but just building a community of people outside of the mainstream everyday bullshit that is our world culture is what is important to me, I mean being able to tour and playing shows every night in a different town makes me feel like I’ve escaped a lot of the restraints put on me by society. Just keeping everything within the scene as much as possible I think can have the greatest influence on maybe not necessarily changing society but making society a better place for us.
B: To me I feel like there is to a certain extent a predetermined goal I am supposed to have in my life about being successful. And just being in this band has really helped me be successful in my own eyes and showed the people around me who think I am unsuccessful that I am truly happy with what I choose on an everyday level. Punk to me is creating our own means. And not using the certain aspects of society that we oppose.

DIY, independent,… were good words to describe the hc/punk scene. But it seems that these values disappear bit by bit especially with more & more labels working like the mainstream music industry. “DIY or die” or do you think it’s a good thing to have some hardcore bands exposed to a larger audience ?
B: I am really glad you brought this up because this is something that has been a focus of conversation with us recently. We are a DIY band. We play DIY shows. We support DIY bands. We attend all ages DIY shows. Political bands that play to more mainstream audiences to convert people is a joke to me. If you oppose war you don’t become a solider to go to war and tell other soldiers that war is wrong. You make sure that every aspect of your life opposes it ALL THE TIME. There is still a strong DIY ethic in the scene. But bands need to start to talk more... blasting through a set isn’t the point to me.

Is I Object a sxe band? Do you consider straightedge a political statement?
s: i object is a sxe band and while we don't really have many songs that actually sing about sxe i think it is still an important statement to make especially in the punk scene where a lot of people that are either involved in the scene or even the more “hardcore” kids that aren’t involved in the diy punk/hardcore scene make the assumption that every punk is a drunk punk. What I like about our band is that we don’t ram it down people’s throats, it’s not that we don’t care its just that it’s cool with us either way, so it’s the little things like just “x-ing” up when we play that is an important statement for me.
B: also it really breaks down a lot of assumptions about being a straightedge band, like every straightedge band is militant to the point of beating kids up for smoking cigarettes.

Has our scene lost its political edge?
B: I still think a lot of bands have a strong message. I think people need to realize that a political edge isn’t just about government politics. It can involve scene politics or just caring about anything at all. We have the opportunity to speak out over the mic or through zines and people just don’t utilize that enough. It is such an important aspect of our band to talk about our songs. I just hope we play and see other bands who do the same.

Some of you are running a great diy hc/punk label called Punks Before Profits, could you tell us more about it? When did it start? Why? Releases? …
B: PBP records started in 1999. Ryan started it to document bands from our area who might break up and the memories would be lost. Since then we branched out to tons of bands from the US and beyond. I co-ran the label with ryan for 4 Ѕ years. Recently I decided to not be part of the project anymore but he is still going strong and has a lot planned. Check out www.punksbeforeprofits.net for releases and news.

Bush has been recently re-elected, particularly thanks to religious fundamentalists who are now asking him to forbid abortion and take other retrograde measures. On the other hand, he’s manipulating the information (about the war in Iraq,…) with tv channels like Fox News who are totally devoted to him. That’s pretty scary. How do you think things will turn out with Bush in power for another 4 years?
B: before bush we re-elected I was thinking to myself, ‘there is no way he will get re-elected’ b/c all sorts of truths were coming out about his lies etc. And to be honest I was very surprised it happened the way it did. I think some pretty drastic measures will be at the hand of bush and the abortion issue is one that is very important to me. I just want everyone who reads this to know that not all Americans are stupid; most, but not all, about bush and the current government and what they are trying to do.

One of you is female, how do you see the place of girls in the hardcore scene that is so male-dominated?
B: I am a very vocal female. This makes some people uncomfortable. And for that I am glad because one conversation at a time I am breaking down the stereotype of females in hardcore as wallflowers. We just played international women’s day fest in boston and every female on stage and in attendance who watched bands or lead workshops made me proud to see there is progress in our role in the scene. So all we can do is be vocal about it, be involved in making females more welcome, and be an active female ourselves.

You’ve lots of lyrics about social & political issues. Could you tell us a little bit more about what your lyrics are dealing with? Are they less, equally or more important than the music?
B: to me the lyrics are more important to a certain extent but the music brings us together as a group of people who are in need of an outlet for frustration. Our lyrics deal with personal experiences, women’s issues, semi- political stand points, and anything we need to vent about. We explain songs while we play. We share ideas and listen to opposing ones. If someone cuts you down for being vocal then that just goes to show they are insecure.

From what I saw on your pictures, you like shorts. What are your favourite ones, flashy Hawaiian shorts?
S: Well that’s pretty much Biff’s thing, while barb and ryan also like the shorts, biff is exclusively all about the short shorts. To the point where on tour he brings one shirt and, I’m not lying, 7 pairs of short shorts, so it doesn’t really matter what the design is as long as they are short, although he does have a nice pair of bicycle like orange discharge shorts.

You’re planning to tour Europe at the end of the year. What are your expectations? Have you already been in Europe?
S: I guess the tour to Europe in actually going to be in early spring of ’06. None of us have been to Europe as for me I really don’t know what to expect. I think we are just really looking forward to playing as many shows possible in as many different places and meeting tons of kids. I think I might personally do a lot of apologizing for the actions of Bush and the good ‘ol USA.

What's planned next for I Object?
B: we have a new 7” coming out on still holding on records out of Belgium. We just released a first two years cd out on PBP records, unholy resurrection records (steve’s label), and town clock records. We have touring planned for May, June, August, and September of this year which includes Mexico, Canada, and the USA. We are going to keep busy and work towards more foreign touring in the future.

Last words…
B: Thanks for the interview. It’s just one more way to share ideas. We love mail, too. 537 caroline st Rochester, ny 14620 rockwellrenaissance@hotmail.com

Добавлено: 21:12:2005 15:08:23
В феврале на Alternative Tentacles полноформатный альбом выйдет.
Сайт тоже будет

Добавлено: 09:01:2006 17:25:55
группа атас просто

Добавлено: 09:01:2006 23:53:39
отличная команда. из америки подружка привезла как раз фест ту ерз - замечательно. только позавчера послушал. тексты есть в буклете.

Добавлено: 10:01:2006 15:07:36
у меня first two years есть / если надо могу переписать
и еще текста с самой последней семерки могу перепечатать

Добавлено: 13:01:2006 18:36:11
а у меня семерка есть, хотел их привезти, но видимо они не смогу, у них тур не по той европе про которую я думал(

Добавлено: 13:01:2006 20:11:03
xSHTEFANx писал(а):а у меня семерка есть, хотел их привезти, но видимо они не смогу, у них тур не по той европе про которую я думал(
эх, жалко...:( такая харошая группа....

Добавлено: 07:02:2006 00:42:38
Да, хорошая группа. А мелодичный женский вокал придаёт ещё большую изюминку. :)

Добавлено: 26:02:2006 20:00:11
Если у когонь имеются текста - был бы весьма благодарен.

Добавлено: 27:02:2006 02:29:40
you're so miserable / but you have everything you “want” & you still complain about the life you live. i think it's time you did what you want to do. the things you own or the ideas that you carry / the thoughts you have or the life they built for you / destroying it for the love of yourself / i want to be your destruction / i want to see your life fall apart / i want to see your dreams crumble away / i want to see your life amount to nothing. REBUILD.
someone could give you advice about quitting your job or dropping out of school. and another person could come along and say “don't do that”. but you need to evaluate that would be better for you in the long run even if the immediate result could turn your world upside down and cause total destruction of the ____ you know. then you rebuild.
тебе так погано / но у тебя есть всё, что ты "хочешь", и ты всё равно жалуешься на жизнь, которую ведёшь. я думаю, тебе пора делать то, что ты хочешь. вещи, которыми ты владеешь, или идеи, которые у тебя есть / твои мысли или жизнь, которую они тебе построили / уничтожить это всё ради любви к себе / я хочу стать твоим разрушением / я хочу увидеть, как твоя жизнь разваливается на куски / я хочу увидеть, как твои мечты распадаются в прах / я хочу увидеть, как твоя жизнь превращается в ничто. СТРОЙ ЗАНОВО
кто-то может тебе посоветовать уволиться с работы или уйти с учёбы. а кто-то ещё может подойти к тебе и сказать – "не надо этого делать". но тебе надо взвесить, что тебе принесёт бОльшую пользу в дальней перспективе, даже если непосредственные результаты могут перевернуть твой мир вверх тормашками и полностью уничтожить _______, которую ты знала. потом ты построишь всё заново.

these four walls help me breath / a locked door is what i need / i will never have to be excepted / because in my world nothing is expected / building a world of my own / building a world i can call my home / you don't need society / society needs you / i'm turning it off and turning it out / i'll never let this world burn me out
if you spend a lot of time in your house by yourself you are deemed anti-social & you must have “social problems” or be fucking crazy. for some of us the world looks pretty ugly and you need to build a safe haven that you can be happy with.
эти четыре стены помогают мне дышать / мне нужна закрытая дверь / мне никогда не нужно, чтобы меня исключали / потому что в моём мире нет ничего ожидаемого / строю свой собственный мир / строю мир, который смогу назвать своим домом / тебе не нужно общество / общество нуждается в тебе / я его отключаю и выворачиваю / я никогда не позволю этому миру заставить меня отчаяться
если ты проводишь много времени у себя дома, одна, тебя считают антисоциальной, у тебя, наверное, "социальные проблемы", или ты пиздец свихнулась. некоторым из нас мир кажется довольно уродливым, и тебе надо создать безопасное убежище, которое тебе нравилось бы.

i want you to grow up feeling good about yourself. who teaches hate & disgust to kids? should i have fear? / what you'll learn when you step out that door. what's funny? / i know your fears / when your four years brother turns any household object into gun. NO! i want to leave an impression / NO! riseabove.
i want to (++++какое-то слово пропущено++++) a positive influence in the lives of my two neices and my nephew. even though their parents are good role models, the kids get influence at school too. the other day my neice refered to herself as looking fat. she is rail thin and in first grade and my nephew, who is in pre-k, pretends everything is a gun. i have to sit back & watch the evils of society corrupt and pollute the youth & it will carry into their adult lives.
я хочу, чтобы ты выросла, не обламываясь из-за себя. кто учит детей ненависти и отвращению? должна ли я бояться? / что ты выучишь, когда ты выйдешь за эту дверь. что тут такого смешного? / я знаю твои страхи / когда твой четырёхлетний брат превращает любую домашнюю утварь в пистолет. НЕТ! я хочу оставить впечатление / НЕТ! поднимись над этим.
я хочу оказать положительное влияние на жизнь моих двух племянниц и моего племянника. хотя их родители является хорошими образцами для подражания, на детей также оказывает влияние школа. несколько дней назад моя племянница сказала, что она выглядит толстой. она тоненькая, как спичка, первоклашка. мой племянник ходит в ясли, и для него всё превращается в "пестики". приходится глядеть, как зло общества развращает и пачкает молодёжь, и это будет продолжаться и в их взрослой жизни.

this is a SPITBOY cover, they are rad & so you should check them out. this song is important to me because it deals with a female's point of view on sexual harassment & how it can come about to either gender by a stranger or close friend. there's no set situation for violation.
это кавер SPITBOY, они здоровские, и вы должны их заценить. эта песня важна для меня, потому что она рассматривает с женской точки зрения сексуальное домогательство и то, как оно может коснуться представителей обоих полов, происходя как от незнакомцев, так и от близких друзей. насилие может произойти в какой угодно ситуации.

there's such a fine line between convenience & doing what's right / stay in character / do not bend / hold true to what you say / no more of this moral decay. i know what i said / now inner conflict is tearing me apart / alone no one is watching / but i refuse. stay in character / this is for personal gain / i don't care who is around / my character not moral decay.
character is built. it is also maintained. it might be one of the most admirable qualities one can have. what do you do when no one is looking?
между удобством и правильностью такая тонкая черта / оставаться верной своему характеру / не гнуться / держаться за то, что сказала / больше не поддаваться этому моральному разложению. я знаю, что я сказала / теперь меня раздирает на части внутренний конфликт / одна, никто не видит / но я отказываюсь. оставаться верной своему характеру / это для личного блага / мне плевать, кто тут есть / мой характер, а не моральное разложение
характер строят. его также поддерживают. он может быть одним из самых привлекательных качеств, которыми ты располагаешь. что ты делаешь, когда никто не смотрит?

you're looking down / & it is not because you are tall / what makes you better than us? / get off your high horse before you fall. chopping you down. the vibe is set / some people deemed lesser / what makes you better than us? / fall down to me.
i'm so sick of kids bragging about their bands. i don't care how cool you think you are or how many units you sold of your new record. hard work & honesty will not be unnoticed & real people will always appreciate it.
ты смотришь сверху вних / но не потому, что ты высокий / что делает тебя лучше нас? / слезай со своего насеста, пока не свалился. срубая тебя. атмосфера задана / какие-то люди кажутся меньше / что делает тебя лучше нас? / падай ко мне.
меня так тошнит от ребят, которые хвастаются своими группами. мне наплевать, насколько крутым ты себя считаешь, или сколько экземпляров своей пластинки тебе удалось продать. прилежание и честность не останутся незамеченными, и настоящие люди это всегда оценят.


Добавлено: 04:01:2008 01:55:44
клевая,кстати,группа! семерка у них действительно здоровская!

Добавлено: 04:01:2008 22:18:50
и семерка и альбом = отличные!

Добавлено: 23:01:2009 20:34:25
no means no
я объект

Добавлено: 23:01:2009 23:41:47