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имхо мнение

Добавлено: 27:09:2005 13:46:59
podonok x
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... 1634566828

чувак говорит дело.

Добавлено: 27:09:2005 16:31:45
Ну да, толковая статейка

Добавлено: 27:09:2005 17:10:32
в общем-то все об этом знают, но не хотят в это верить.

Добавлено: 27:09:2005 19:47:49
колонка - хорошая, я тоже такую хотел написать:) но забавно что у него в топе на первом месте стоят "промиз", которые по сути не далеко ушли от того что в данном тексте критикует автор.

Добавлено: 06:10:2005 14:23:19
fist fuck on first date
А кто нить может её суда кинуть, а то у меня доступ к май спейс закрыт :lol:

Добавлено: 06:10:2005 15:02:52
lobanov maksim
I wrote this for marks zine that never came out last year. read it.

the last 6 years. what do I say? the kids suck, or
"back in the day..."? sure I've seen that the kids get
dumber as the monthes go by. sure we are infected with
the trendy who got into this by way of blink 182 and
mtv punk. of course the old kids are jaded pricks who
like to talk like they were born with a cro mags
record in thier hand. here's what has really changed.
the scene as a whole is dumber. not in the lame sense
but in the less intelligent way. the scene used to
have a reasonable degree of intelligance and
creativity. you could go to shows and find information
on subjects ranging from animal rights to the
subjugation of a nations people into a slave work
force by corporations. people would make thier own
shirts or zines or whatever to sell. and everyone had
something to say. you could witness a debate or
protests would be organized. the kids were a threat.
they wanted to make things happen. we had a voice and
intelligance behind it to make it heard and
respectable. now it's all who has the coolest sleeve
and the hottest gear. the voices of protest have been
changed to the mocking cat calls of the "cool". the
creativity has turned from an ocean of self expression
to a dead sea of black shirts and black hair. it's
like everyone is dressed for a funeral but no one
knows the deceased.
it seems that a lot of people get involved now for the
status it brings them, not because it's a haven for
the differant like it was for so many of us. it's
gone from the kids who skated and were kinda strange
to "voted most popular, class of...". when did the
core become "cool"? when did it lose it's danger? and
I'm not talking "oh, crew x is gonna roll on timmy
nobody tonight". I'm talking when the cops are
watching you cuz of the things you do, the protests or
just for standing up and being counted. for not being
like everyone else. for being out of step. even the
zines are dumbing down. it's like everyone is using
the core to move onto something better. how many zines
that come out now focus on indy rock (like that is the
highest form of music and those who don't listen to it
are sub intelligent) but throw in core to sell issues?
how many zines editors are just waiting to be picked
up by AP or spin (law of inertia, I'm looking at you)?
and how many band kids that play for core kids and
don't even like the core? where did all the tourists
come from? and why do we tolerate them? (as a side
note, there is nothing wrong with making a living out
of the core, but there is something wrong if you are
using it as a stepping stone to "better" things or if
it's just an ego rush for you.) and the "83",
basement, thug, mod and all the other "genre" kids are
just as bad. saying you only like a certain kind or
sub genre of the core is like having 6 kids and only
liking .4.
I know some people might blame OLC for the ignorance
that is running rampent, but I think that they were
more of a fore shadowing (a warning, if you will) of
the road ahead. I think the "scene" is at an all time
low, but the music is better then it has been in
years. it's a catch 22... the scene is "smart" and the
music sux (like the kids have to show how smart they
are by writing artsy music) bad, or the kids are stone
dumb and the music rages (maybe it's that they have
nothing to say so they focus on writing good core
tunes). maybe one day we'll get it right, maybe.
someone once said that the core was undead, it moved
around but had no life. I think it's more like a
family planning a vacation that doesn't talk to each
other, without each other, no ones going anywhere.
sell out or die trying
chris xbtyx

Добавлено: 06:10:2005 15:11:18
Таких как он в конце 80-х у нас называли неформалами. :D :D .

Добавлено: 06:10:2005 20:47:39
iron maiden dance team
а русь здесь причём? у нас чё до этого какая-то другая сцена была? :P

Добавлено: 11:10:2005 10:49:08
fist fuck on first date
Несмотря на явные диффекты нашей сцены, проблемы весьма и весьма актуальны. Спасибо.