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Добавлено: 19:03:2006 17:29:15
Ferrum - Birtright'a нет(сам уже давно ищу, даже на форуме каталиста писал, чё-то никто не откликнулся, надо бы ещё раз уже на их новом форуме спросить об этом), на вот тебе Risen - не менее выдающийся виа, группа экс-вокалиста Birthright и по совместительству "начальника" catalyst records Курта, альбом Left With The Ashes:
1) Ashes
in this age, enslaved from the first day. where we place our trust is what has left us betrayed, we have been betrayed. stripped of life, stripped of self, stripped of soul. left with the ashes of what makes us whole. left with these ashes of life, with hearts of stone and hollow eyes. is this what you want? is this how we remain- lost to each other, lost to ourselves... so accept defeat or rise against what you were born to be. cast aside the ruins of our lives and rise from the ashes..

2) What once was
watching it all die, as the light fades from our eyes, as what once was is torn apart and cast aside. but this is what gives me life. so settle for the least of what this could be, inhale the ashes of your apathy. deny what it meant and what it still means. as you drain the last drop of blood from this scene you destroy all we acheived. you are the enemy. we are only what we believe. this it the blood in my veins, it is the air that i breathe. and what it never meant to you, it still means to me. i still believe.

3) In the end
so it all ends here, but the struggle remains even though you've closed your eyes. lost the will to care, lost the will to try. so willing to give in, to lay down and die. but what they offer isn't life. lay down and die. in this world of lies, resistance is truth. and in this world of lies, resistance is life. who cares enough to try is what matters in the end. in the end.

4) The Illusion of Freedom
i won't bow down to these lies, to these line drawn in dust, and i'll watch while your idols rust. self-betrayed, led astray, you've sold yourself, your soul to faith. unquestioning you've sealed your fate. in this illusion of freedom we're all in chains. in this illusion of freedom we're all enslaved, and so we remain. until we burn the flag of every nation, bury all religion, no one is free. burn their laws, burn their lies, burn their world, take back your life.

5) Requiem for a dream
kill your mind, blind your eyes and justify as the dream dies. believe in these lies. just believe in the hypocrisy. this will be our demise. as we hang ourselves for the sake of the state. enslaved as we enslave, as we remain sedate. as this nation dominates all that stands in the way. this is our shame, we're all guilty. the myth of democracy, while we hang from the strings. so give up your life and fuel the conspiracy, this machine. as this world bleeds for our greed. as this world bleeds for our gain. as this world bleeds in our name. giving up our lives to believe in this lie. this will be our demise.

6) To fight for justice
cast into the flames, in tradition’s name. our silence is their death, our silence is their chains our silence makes them slaves. our silence seals their fate. in a culture where to fight for justice is seen as an act of defiance, in their defense i vow defiance. a system built on the blood of the innocent, demands resistance. i vow defiance. liberate your life and free their lives, regain yourself and end their hell. and this chain of oppression comes undone, all struggles are one. in this world of oppression, this is our redemption. to live is to fight for justice.

7) Drown
drown in the blood of the innocent, live these lives of selfishness. we remain blind to this world's pain until the day we reject, abstain. set this world on fire by your actions, now feel the flame. drown in this flame. we'll all drown until we melt these lives of iron and stone. until the deny the oppression our lives condone. until we learn to unlearn. until we learn selflessness for selfishness. until we learn we'll drown. drown in their blood, drown in the flames. until we learn.

Добавлено: 19:03:2006 17:52:09
Спасибо) вообще интересует все из обзора подонка, чего нет на нотпопуларе и в гугле))

Добавлено: 19:03:2006 22:28:13
2ferrum - ты предлагаешь мне сейчас облазить весь гугл и notpopular.com? нет уж я так не играю, говори конкретно "скока вешать в граммах":)

Добавлено: 19:03:2006 23:03:22
falling down, Ressurrection, abnegation, dead wait, Sevin, deadguy, damnation , а также буду за инфу благодарен

Добавлено: 20:03:2006 00:07:48
у меня нет ничего

Добавлено: 20:03:2006 00:16:10
Ну ладно, зато ты стал немного лучше относиться к просьбам менее просвещенных граждан, что само по себе весьма православно 8)

Добавлено: 24:03:2006 19:17:37
falling down, Ressurrection, abnegation, dead wait, Sevin, deadguy, damnation , а также буду за инфу благодарен
Deadguy - Pins and Needles

This job runs you
This day kills you
This suit owns you
This man tells you
What to do

You like being bought?
You like being sold?
You like being owned?
You like being told?

This man
This job
This day
It kills

You can't kill yourself
You're already dead

And you'd do it again
And you'd do it again
And you'd tell me you like it
And you'd tell me to take it home
From 9 to 5
You're not, you're not alive

Pins and needles
All the time
Pins and needles
Toe the line

Pins and needles
You're not alive
Get in line to die

Deadguy - Prosthetic Head

And I'll miss you
Like the deserts miss the rain

Deadguy - Turk 182

It's been cut
And left to bleed
It stops me stiff
Feeds off my greed

I cheat death
And taste the prize
It seems like twisted luck
Everything I need

Brothers and sisters
The sky is falling
Now pay witness
The sun is burning

I won't take this buck
I'm livin' for free
You had one chance
To prove your love to me

'Cause I'm down on my luck

Добавлено: 26:03:2006 15:48:56
2ferrum - да нет, ничего на самом деле не изменилось, ну или почти ничего, и вообще я в Кришну верую, дошло?;)

Добавлено: 27:03:2006 02:02:34
Loud & Clear писал(а):Изображение
2ferrum - да нет, ничего на самом деле не изменилось, ну или почти ничего, и вообще я в Кришну верую, дошло?;)
С какого хуя????

Добавлено: 28:03:2006 09:57:51
ОООО Большое спасибо)рессурекшн - крутаны!

Добавлено: 29:03:2006 18:42:49
nothing but churches
Samantha's Song

I’m writing you this letter
Because I’m so confused
You see I’m only ten years old
With already so much to lose
My country wishes peace –
So does yours you say
But when I watch the news each night
I hear about D-Day

It seems to me with technology
We could learn to help each other
With satellites and silicon chips
We could do much better
You say you’ll help – war’s never been the way
It’s time to stop just talking
You’ve said all you can say

It seems to me with all I can see
We should all be helping one another, another. . .

You see I’m only ten years old and
There’s a lot around just like me
But from where I stand you and Uncle Sam
Won’t leave us much to see
So please say you’ll do
What’s right and should be done
So I can stop this worrying
And start to have some fun
Start to have some fun, yeah
Start to have some fun

It seems to me with all I can see
We should all be helping one another,
Another, one another, another,
One another, can you bother