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4-6 августа, Литва, фестиваль Darom

Добавлено: 05:04:2006 22:54:26
взгляд совы из-за угла
The 2nd do-it-yourself open air jam DAROM is going to happen in August 4-5.

It's an international multicultural diy culture camp (with few stages,
cinema, info-shop) in a private farm near river about 60 km away from
VILNIUS/LITHUANIA. The festival is not supported by any commercial
structure, it's organized mainly from personal savings and various
(r.i.p.) GreenClub activities.

You are invited to become a participant of the event by doing various
volunteering stuff, playing, juggling, painting, dancing, performing,
cooking, etc. or just donating a small fee and having a good summertime.