Модераторы: Цусима, греческий огонь, no means no
Refused и ко
для меня refused - по большому счёту эталон хк группы (не по звучанию, хотя звучат они отлично, но зачастую не совсем по хардкору - что не очень круто:) по своему посланию, креативности, сознательности, интеллегентности, увлеченности, преданности своему делу и тд. Думаю, что для европейской хк сцены 90х - они практически то же самое, чем были в 80х для панка к примеру - dead kennedys. Ну а по значимости альбом the shape of punk to come я бы поставил в один ряд с never mind the bollocs от sex pistols (в любом случае, это один из самых лучших и оригинальных альбомов 90х и не только в хк-панке имхо). Про манифест этого альбома и говорить не буду, это нужно читать! впрочем как и все остальные их манифесты, а также в обязательном порядке зин, который был сделан ребятами из refused - a hadbook for revolutioneries (1й номер доступен для скачивания на сайте http://hem.passagen.se/refusedfan/refhbfr.html). На личности вокалиста refused Дениса Люксена пока не буду особо заострять внимание, тк он достоин отдельной темы(впрочем как и International Noise Conspiracy), но мне вот очень интересно, слушали ли вы проекты остальных участников группы, такие как: Text(хотя здесь также участвует Денис), 93 million miles from the sun(и тут тоже;), David Sandström (overdrive), Jon F Kennedy ?
http://hem.passagen.se/refusedfan/refrelated.htm вот ссылка где можно более подробно узнать об этих группах, у кого есть возможность послушайте их и напишите - что играют ну и всё в таком духе.
http://hem.passagen.se/refusedfan/refrelated.htm вот ссылка где можно более подробно узнать об этих группах, у кого есть возможность послушайте их и напишите - что играют ну и всё в таком духе.
- Dev1l
- Сообщения: 540
- Зарегистрирован: 22:02:2006 01:21:26
Re: Refused и ко
действительно..захера ж играть интересную музыку когда можно хуярить без ума тупа-па-тупа и орать кучу сингалонгов про тру и у кого хуй честнееLoud & Clear писал(а):хотя звучат они отлично, но зачастую не совсем по хардкору - что не очень круто:)
Re: Refused и ко
и это говорит любитель финнкораYoungster писал(а):действительно..захера ж играть интересную музыку когда можно хуярить без ума тупа-па-тупа и орать кучу сингалонгов про тру и у кого хуй честнееLoud & Clear писал(а):хотя звучат они отлично, но зачастую не совсем по хардкору - что не очень круто:)
попахивает нездоровым субъективизмом и фанатизмомДумаю, что для европейской хк сцены 90х - они практически то же самое, чем были в 80х для панка к примеру - dead kennedys. Ну а по значимости альбом the shape of punk to come я бы поставил в один ряд с never mind the bollocs от sex pistols (в любом случае, это один из самых лучших и оригинальных альбомов 90х и не только в хк-панке имхо).
Re: Refused и ко
а где написано что я тока финку слушаю?) ты меня плохо знаешь,дядя)gloom писал(а):и это говорит любитель финнкораYoungster писал(а):действительно..захера ж играть интересную музыку когда можно хуярить без ума тупа-па-тупа и орать кучу сингалонгов про тру и у кого хуй честнееLoud & Clear писал(а):хотя звучат они отлично, но зачастую не совсем по хардкору - что не очень круто:)
REFUSED действительно очень крутая группа, и действительно для европейской сцены 90 ых да и 2000 одна из самых значимых, мнение то конечно субъективное, но группа все таки имела широкое признание, раз спустя 8 лет шейп оф панк ту кам перемастеринговывают на аудио двд. Ну да и фиг бы с этим. Рефьюзд есть в каждой современной и с музыкальной точки зрения интересной хк панк группе.
Помимо, кстати, их сторонних проектов рекомендую вообще отсмотреть Шведский панк типа
KNUGEN FALLER (там кто то из T(I)NK играет
Все они выходили в европе на лейбле Дэниса:
а в америце на
кое что из этого я имею, попробую как-нибудь цифрануть и подарить желающим на болванках. друзья могут зайти и послушать со мной за чаем и посмотреть буклеты из моих рук.
Рекомендую посмотреть также фильм Рефьюзд а факинг дэд, о том как много Х килл да мессадж борд х ов попадалось на пути у группы, довольно таки мрачный и депрессивный фильм о том, как игноранс убивает в людях все самое лучшее, фильм на шведском и на английском, кому надо - перепишуи поменяю на вкладыши или дам посмотреть из рук опять же.
Помимо, кстати, их сторонних проектов рекомендую вообще отсмотреть Шведский панк типа
KNUGEN FALLER (там кто то из T(I)NK играет
Все они выходили в европе на лейбле Дэниса:
а в америце на
кое что из этого я имею, попробую как-нибудь цифрануть и подарить желающим на болванках. друзья могут зайти и послушать со мной за чаем и посмотреть буклеты из моих рук.
Рекомендую посмотреть также фильм Рефьюзд а факинг дэд, о том как много Х килл да мессадж борд х ов попадалось на пути у группы, довольно таки мрачный и депрессивный фильм о том, как игноранс убивает в людях все самое лучшее, фильм на шведском и на английском, кому надо - перепишуи поменяю на вкладыши или дам посмотреть из рук опять же.
если я не могу танцевать под ваш хардкор - то вы не хардкор
У меня давным-давно был сборничек "Любовь - это псина из ада", который "заслушала" какая-то сволочь. Так вот там были представлены несколько песен от 93 million miles from the sun... Ну, если честно, не впечатлили как-то! Эмо, вполне жёсткое, но не сильно цепляющее... Для меня они были, пожалуй, одной из самых невнятных групп, представленных на том сборнике.Loud & Clear писал(а):ну вот и напиши про эти сайд проекты, я кроме The Lost Patrol и TINC не слушал ничего (имеются в виду TEXT, 93 million miles from the sun и сольники гитариста - Йона и ударника Дэвида).
Между красками и пистолетами больше общего, чем я прежде думал. И краски, и пистолеты навевают владельцам мысли о странных, а возможно, замечательных вещах, которые с их помощью можно сделать. (К. Воннегут)
- lobanov maksim
- шведские девочки
- Сообщения: 1113
- Зарегистрирован: 03:02:2004 07:47:39
Just like the political theorists and philosophers (Baudrillard, Foucault,
Derrida, Debord and so on) we also managed with a sort of self fulfilling
prophecy. A manifestation of an idea to a concrete action. When
Quilapayuns in 1972 realized the importance of widening their spectrum of
action by dividing the band into five different sections to be able to
spread their ideas on as many locations and to as many people as possible
they had realized the principle of collective massorganization. A division
into five new directions means in practice five new projects that can
challenge and fight the boredom and death that sneaks into our everyday
life. Five new ways to make the political manifesto that once was known
under the collective spanner of "" concrete, five new forces that can
devour and choke every tendency of the bourgeoisie shackle that keeps us
So why does Refused have to die to be able to rise from the ashes like the
Fenix??? It is impossible to take part of a revolutionary program when
every aspect of existence has to be projected as entertainment and music,
a tradition that both in expression and creation has been dead for far too
long. We were hoping that we could be the final nail in the coffin of the
rotten cadaver that was popular music, but unfortunately the reification
was too big for us to succeed with our feeble attempts to detour this
boring discourse.When every expression, no matter how radical it is, can
be transformed into a commodity and be bought or sold like cheap soda, how
is it then possible that you are going to be able to take "art" seriously?
When every political idea has to become safe and categorized just so that
it can be defined by disgusting "journalists" who's only aim is the
selling of issues and the cashing in of paychecks, how can we then show
the seriousness of the situation? When the single purpose of every song
written is to accumulate capital for the record companies that will only
kill every attempt at spontaneity and creativity, how are we then expected
to create? When every show played just becomes another brick in the wall
between people, between "fans" and "stars", when we instead of getting
communication and interaction are being forced to become nothing but
consumers and producers. When people are being praised as geniuses and
idols just because they play music or write books or something equally
boring and "cultural", when the widespread belief that their creation is
more important than that people take part in everyday life...What does
that say about the rest of us and what does it say about the system that
we have? When we continue to uphold the bourgeoisie myth of self
realization by saying that anyone can make it, just as long as they work
hard, or pick up a guitar, we uphold the dream of good vs. bad jobs
(rockstar = good, factory worker = bad) thus we also uphold the class
system and the justification of it. When the self appointed elite talks
about culture, the culture that tricks us into believing that there is
such a thing as culture, without any thought or consideration of the
political or economical system. When we become just another subculture
with all the right attributes instead of a real counter-culture, then it
is time to die, to revalue the position that we are in.
Refused "broke up" on the 26th of September 1998 in Atlanta, Georgia, and
in a last feeble attempt to break the linear timeline that the modern ways
of production has forced upon us we played the last show in Harrisonburg,
Virginia on the 6th of October 1998. The show was interrupted after 4
songs by the local policeforce who thought that they've had enough. We
knew that they were onto us but it was both a chock and a relief that they
did not catch us until the last show. Then, after 7 years of trying, we
finally managed to create our own timespace within the capitalist
powerstructure. The crowd managed to manifest a moment of passionate
living when they continued to scream "rather be alive..." to the corrupt
and useless preservers of private property.
So what now??? We will continue to, at every attempt, overthrow the class
system, burn museums and to strangle the great lie that we call culture.
We will continue with new projects and forces to do everything that is in
our power to overthrow the capitalist structure that alienates us from
every aspect of life and living, smash the reification that forces us to
dress in outdated identities and rules: we will continue to demand
revolution here and now, and not in some vague future that all reactionary
leftist fundamentalists and reformists are talking about. We want every
day and every action to be a manifestation of love, joy, confusion and
revolt. This is the last that we have to say about it, WE WILL NOT GIVE
INTERVIEWS TO STUPID REPORTERS who still haven't got anything of what we
are all about, we will never play together again and we will never try to
glorify or celebrate what was. All that we have to say has been said here
or in our music/manifestos/lyrics and if that is not enough you are not
THEIR PHOTOS OF REFUSED so that we will no longer be tortured with
memories of a time gone by and the mythmaking that single-minded and
incompetent journalism offers us. Instead we need to look forward. We got
everything to win and nothing but our boredom to lose.
Derrida, Debord and so on) we also managed with a sort of self fulfilling
prophecy. A manifestation of an idea to a concrete action. When
Quilapayuns in 1972 realized the importance of widening their spectrum of
action by dividing the band into five different sections to be able to
spread their ideas on as many locations and to as many people as possible
they had realized the principle of collective massorganization. A division
into five new directions means in practice five new projects that can
challenge and fight the boredom and death that sneaks into our everyday
life. Five new ways to make the political manifesto that once was known
under the collective spanner of "" concrete, five new forces that can
devour and choke every tendency of the bourgeoisie shackle that keeps us
So why does Refused have to die to be able to rise from the ashes like the
Fenix??? It is impossible to take part of a revolutionary program when
every aspect of existence has to be projected as entertainment and music,
a tradition that both in expression and creation has been dead for far too
long. We were hoping that we could be the final nail in the coffin of the
rotten cadaver that was popular music, but unfortunately the reification
was too big for us to succeed with our feeble attempts to detour this
boring discourse.When every expression, no matter how radical it is, can
be transformed into a commodity and be bought or sold like cheap soda, how
is it then possible that you are going to be able to take "art" seriously?
When every political idea has to become safe and categorized just so that
it can be defined by disgusting "journalists" who's only aim is the
selling of issues and the cashing in of paychecks, how can we then show
the seriousness of the situation? When the single purpose of every song
written is to accumulate capital for the record companies that will only
kill every attempt at spontaneity and creativity, how are we then expected
to create? When every show played just becomes another brick in the wall
between people, between "fans" and "stars", when we instead of getting
communication and interaction are being forced to become nothing but
consumers and producers. When people are being praised as geniuses and
idols just because they play music or write books or something equally
boring and "cultural", when the widespread belief that their creation is
more important than that people take part in everyday life...What does
that say about the rest of us and what does it say about the system that
we have? When we continue to uphold the bourgeoisie myth of self
realization by saying that anyone can make it, just as long as they work
hard, or pick up a guitar, we uphold the dream of good vs. bad jobs
(rockstar = good, factory worker = bad) thus we also uphold the class
system and the justification of it. When the self appointed elite talks
about culture, the culture that tricks us into believing that there is
such a thing as culture, without any thought or consideration of the
political or economical system. When we become just another subculture
with all the right attributes instead of a real counter-culture, then it
is time to die, to revalue the position that we are in.
Refused "broke up" on the 26th of September 1998 in Atlanta, Georgia, and
in a last feeble attempt to break the linear timeline that the modern ways
of production has forced upon us we played the last show in Harrisonburg,
Virginia on the 6th of October 1998. The show was interrupted after 4
songs by the local policeforce who thought that they've had enough. We
knew that they were onto us but it was both a chock and a relief that they
did not catch us until the last show. Then, after 7 years of trying, we
finally managed to create our own timespace within the capitalist
powerstructure. The crowd managed to manifest a moment of passionate
living when they continued to scream "rather be alive..." to the corrupt
and useless preservers of private property.
So what now??? We will continue to, at every attempt, overthrow the class
system, burn museums and to strangle the great lie that we call culture.
We will continue with new projects and forces to do everything that is in
our power to overthrow the capitalist structure that alienates us from
every aspect of life and living, smash the reification that forces us to
dress in outdated identities and rules: we will continue to demand
revolution here and now, and not in some vague future that all reactionary
leftist fundamentalists and reformists are talking about. We want every
day and every action to be a manifestation of love, joy, confusion and
revolt. This is the last that we have to say about it, WE WILL NOT GIVE
INTERVIEWS TO STUPID REPORTERS who still haven't got anything of what we
are all about, we will never play together again and we will never try to
glorify or celebrate what was. All that we have to say has been said here
or in our music/manifestos/lyrics and if that is not enough you are not
THEIR PHOTOS OF REFUSED so that we will no longer be tortured with
memories of a time gone by and the mythmaking that single-minded and
incompetent journalism offers us. Instead we need to look forward. We got
everything to win and nothing but our boredom to lose.
Саша, GORILLA ANGREB из Дании. Но тоже хороший коллектив.
Але памятай, што ў камянёў таксама ёсьць скрыдлы, а бутэльку з-пад гарэлкi можна залiць бензiнам. Барыкады адчыняюць шлях да свабоды, празь iх не праедуць мянтоўскiя машыны.
- Dev1l
- Сообщения: 540
- Зарегистрирован: 22:02:2006 01:21:26
- lobanov maksim
- шведские девочки
- Сообщения: 1113
- Зарегистрирован: 03:02:2004 07:47:39