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Primal Age/xabsonex/Seekers of the Truth

Добавлено: 24:11:2006 17:21:49
Помнится тут интересовались европейским металкором - что ж, вот немного инфы по центровым французским командам. Всем поклонникам чуги-чуги, аркангела и другого метала должно понравиться имха)
The group began in 1997 and is made up of Didier- singer, of Thierry and ,Seb- guitar, of Dimitri- bass and of stephane- drums. Alter having done quite a few concerts all over France, Primal Age recorded to appear on the compilation "In This Other Land" which came out on the label Overcome Records. The group then finds itself by the side of groups like Kickback, Drowning, Right for life, Stormcore, Seekers of the truth... well known in the French and European hardcore milieu.

From then on, the group comes as a revelation notably thanks to its music inspired both From hardcore and metal. Primal Age will then join the first groups in France to merge both styles. In April 99, the CD «The Light to Purify» sees the day in the studio Hautegard in Liege, produced by the famous Andre Gielen (Arkangel, Length of Time, L' Esprit du Clan...). The compositions rely more and more on the accomplished Hardcore and Metal mixture, which endows the true identity of the group.

The energy and the efficiency of certain songs takes us back as well to a hardcore style in the All Out War- Kickback vein as to more Metal and incisive riffs - Days of Suffering or Arkangel. Both guitars accurately share mosh-part single notes and harmonised parts for an always more put together music. The release of the album on the label Eyewitness Records, is very well welcomed by the press and public, and enables Primal Age to add up concerts with groups like Napalm Death, Converge, Nostromo, Caliban, Turmoil, 25 Ta Life, All Out War, Length of Time and Indecision, and to be apart of more and more important events like The Superbowl of Hardcore - Good Life Festival...

The impressive quality of their stage performances gives them a certain stature and a solid reputation within the national hardcore scene, and soon beyond the French borders. Their style, resolutely percussive, finds an echo in a public that comes from different horizons. From 1999 to 2005, the group takes a pause while 4 0f the members find themselves involved in another project: Absone. This will result in a CD (Sobermind Rec) as well as in a few concerts gathered mostly in Belgum - Germany - Switzerland. Thus, it's after a 5 year interruption that the idea to revive Primal Age and the desire to prolong this adventure comes about. Strong from a flawless motivation and from the arrival of Mehdi (ex- Fatal) on the drums, the group starts to compose again and takes once more the road to concert halls.

The resumption will take place under the best conditions, indeed since the end of 2005 numerous concerts were done and they all received a positive echo from the public (Paris - Nantes - Clermont Ferrand - La Rochelle - Evreux - Bordeaux -Limoges - Caen - Poitiers - Le Havre...). The CD "The Light to Purify" was, in its turn, reedited for the occasion by the labels Eternalys Records- Enjoy the Silence- Marvel Music Motion (distributed by Overcome Records) - it was sold out in a few weeks.

The events follow one another since the group composed at the same time as doing shows, which enabled them to program the recording of a new album (12 songs - 45 minutes) in summer 2006. This time the recording and the mix were entrusted to Guillaume André at the Loko studio (Right for Life - 25 Ta Life - My Pollux - Sequoia...). This important recording enables the group to consolidate their experience and to aim even higher. The new compositions, beyond conserving the identity of the group, show an impressive energy. The album permits them to increase their musical spectre without forgetting the efficiency of the structures and the energy.

To finalize this production, the mastering will be entrusted to Alan Douches from WEST WEST SIDE MUSIC, whom doesn't need to be presented anymore - Mastodon, Converge, The DiIIinger Escape Plan, ,Sepultura, Hatebreed...



В общем тут все написано, для тех кто не умеет читать - образовались в 97, альбом the light to purify выпустили в 98, с 99 было что-то вроде паузы, в это время четверо пацанов из группы угорали в другой команда - Absone, в 2005 же было нечто вроде реюниона и ре-релиз альбома. В музыкальном плане - смесь arkangel, day of suffering и all out war. Имхо очень хорошая группа

Добавлено: 24:11:2006 17:22:18


В 1999 пацаны из Seekers of Truth и Primal Age замутили новую группу - xabsonex. В этом же году они выпустили сплит с decontaminate на каком-то загадочном лейбле xeyewitnessx. В Америке он распространялся через Life Sentence. А в 2001 (если верить майспейсу, у меня он отмечен 2002) они выпустили офигенный LP - A Last Kiss Before (половина его лежит на их майспейсе) на Sobermind Records. Версия в виниле выпускалась на x83x records. В 2005 группа очевидно развалилась, и часть её свалила в Primal Age, другая в Seekers of the Truth - на их майспейсе ещё один трек с LP и второй непонятно с какого релиза (тут) . В плане музыки - развитие саунда Primal Age - много общего, однако у группы уже свое собственное лицо и нельзя уже провести парллель с аркангелом. Скорости возросли, кардана ещё больше, появились диссонансные ходы. Впрочем, ярость и драйв никуда не делись, как и сфокусированность на vegan-sxe.

Также имеется их интервью на родном языке, который я в силу ограниченности не понимаю

Добавлено: 27:11:2006 04:15:52
Primal Age - 1998 The Light To Purify

Добавлено: 24:01:2007 02:36:48
он же, но отмастеренный 2006 года + 3 лайва - охуенно отмастерили кстати

Добавлено: 24:01:2007 23:57:51
мне братки на др подарили абзон) там видос еще на диске

Добавлено: 25:01:2007 00:53:24
О, сборник "In This Other Land" у меня есть.

Крутой французский металкор выпускал парижский лейбл "Messiah Records".

Добавлено: 26:04:2007 16:45:27
soyaXsynthetic писал(а):мне братки на др подарили абзон) там видос еще на диске
не этот случаем? чето жестко как-то

Добавлено: 26:04:2007 17:35:03
блин, офигенное видео
у тебя в мп3 есть их альбомы?

вот текст песни, кому лень искать

The truth burns you eyes,
you can't even face it.
Although it disgusts you,
Disturbs your consciousness,
I' don't see you changing.
You remain accomplices
of an orchestrated slaughter,
lead by bloody hands,
those of man.
When will you stop being
a part of this well-oiled machine,
this industry where their life
is nothing but suffering ?
Blinded by your traditions,
your need to be superior,
you don't see the suffering
before deathblow this moment
where their short life stops,
where pity has no place.
Human activity substitutes
itself for nature to take control.
Lowered to the rank of objects of pleasure,
sensitive beings undergo
all the tortures.
Mass production,
killed by thousand to satisfy
our hunger, stolen from their place,
to graze upon.
Tortured for they bring us,
the only importance of their song
is to relax us.
When will you stop being a part
of this well-oiled machine,
this industry where their life
is nothing but suffering!!

Добавлено: 26:04:2007 17:37:05
у меня хард со всем этим сломался

Добавлено: 08:05:2007 09:58:45