Модераторы: Цусима, греческий огонь, no means no
- Роша
- luc1fer
- Сообщения: 2651
- Зарегистрирован: 25:09:2007 00:43:10
- Откуда: Понт Аксинский
- Контактная информация:
Really red
Поиск темы такой не выдал. Но вот сижу, слушаю их сейчас, классные ведь!
Песня i was a teenage fuckup- известнейший хит
Песня i was a teenage fuckup- известнейший хит
- XpsychoradarsX
- luc1fer
- Сообщения: 2000
- Зарегистрирован: 03:04:2007 23:57:37
- Контактная информация:
- s1nner-light
- Сообщения: 56
- Зарегистрирован: 23:08:2008 02:06:52
- генерал ганнибал
- Dev1l
- Сообщения: 666
- Зарегистрирован: 13:02:2009 18:34:10
- греческий огонь
- гастролёр
- Сообщения: 965
- Зарегистрирован: 03:02:2009 18:05:58
really red хороши, спору нет
а вот любопытная цитата насчет техаса того времени:
But wasn’t it the Big Boys, not the Dicks, that, along with members o’ MDC, had altercations with HR? Or were key members of the Dicks gay too? (They do have that gloryhole song... hm). If this is so, why are all the best hardcore bands from Texas so darn gay, anyhow? Is it something about Texas that makes punks go gay, or is it something about Texas that makes gays go punk? (I am somehow fonder of the latter theory; why?).
а вот любопытная цитата насчет техаса того времени:
But wasn’t it the Big Boys, not the Dicks, that, along with members o’ MDC, had altercations with HR? Or were key members of the Dicks gay too? (They do have that gloryhole song... hm). If this is so, why are all the best hardcore bands from Texas so darn gay, anyhow? Is it something about Texas that makes punks go gay, or is it something about Texas that makes gays go punk? (I am somehow fonder of the latter theory; why?).
- генерал ганнибал
- Dev1l
- Сообщения: 666
- Зарегистрирован: 13:02:2009 18:34:10
Але памятай, што ў камянёў таксама ёсьць скрыдлы, а бутэльку з-пад гарэлкi можна залiць бензiнам. Барыкады адчыняюць шлях да свабоды, празь iх не праедуць мянтоўскiя машыны.