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Добавлено: 19:08:2004 19:38:55
Кто-нибудь знает где найти хоть какую-нить информацию? Особенно интересует их дискография, интервью, тексты семёрки too tired to drive home и проекты в которых ребята принимали участие после распада Atari. Заранее благодарен.

Добавлено: 20:08:2004 16:27:42
rocknroll is dead?
ишь чего захотел )) о них не просто в нете информацию найти, хотя группа в своем роде легендарная. единственный выход - искать оригиналы релизов и порыться в старых зинах

Добавлено: 20:08:2004 17:14:14
2rocknroll is dead? - да по всем параметрам отличная группа (тексты особенно), я пытался найти инфу о лейблах которые выпустили 2 первые семёрки, но ничего не нашёл, тк по ходу они давно уже накрылись. Тут мне знакомый из Канады сказал что на одном из местных форумов он читал что некоторые бывшие участники Atari играют в некой CARPENTER ANT и что воклаист вроде как теперь поёт в TORNADO OF KNIVES, честно говоря я впервые слышу об этих виа.

Добавлено: 20:08:2004 17:40:27
если кого нить есть возможность выложите пожалуйста atari в сетьЖ)

Добавлено: 20:08:2004 18:33:31
rocknroll is dead?
да, на супостатских форумах смотреть - тоже выход, только надо знать где. Carpenter Ant - что-то знакомое название...

Добавлено: 24:08:2004 01:51:49
miss bulgaria
Брокен Мэн рекордс выпустил дискографию Атари, они же планируют выпустить торнадо оф найвс / лайф ст страггл cплит-семёрку.

Добавлено: 24:08:2004 18:36:00
2miss bulgaria - дай линк на сайт broken man records plz(или e-mail). А торнадо из ножей - что играют?

Добавлено: 24:08:2004 18:42:53
miss bulgaria

торнадо не слышал.

Добавлено: 24:08:2004 21:07:53
2miss bulgaria - спасиба ! а кстати эта дискогрфаия на каком носителе вышла?

Добавлено: 25:08:2004 11:42:53
miss bulgaria
на КД.

Добавлено: 26:08:2004 19:33:24
www.antipop.ru....тама есть Atari - Skate Tuff 7' и Atari - We'll Be fighting 7'

Добавлено: 27:08:2004 03:20:01
2Youngster - я думаю не стоит по новому кругу обсуждать тему с antipop

Добавлено: 27:08:2004 19:14:00
я вапще-то и не обсуждал...я сказал просто где они есть и усё

Добавлено: 09:09:2004 20:08:55
А вот тут фотографий всяких много, в том числе и обсуждаемых вами групп.

Добавлено: 22:10:2004 16:45:29
Carpenter Ant выпустилти в 2003 г ЕР "Never Stop Skating" - прикольный среднетемповый скейткор, что-то вроде смеси Tear It Up и Bones Brigade

Добавлено: 05:02:2006 17:21:03
взгляд совы из-за угла
дискография крутая. наконец-то послушал/полистал.

never forget the times together!

Добавлено: 07:02:2006 21:59:17
текста жаждующим...

Atari - We'll Be Fighting

1) Where Were You?
When did you start to care?
Not till we came around here.
Not just here to kiss your ass,
Is that why you judge so fast?
'Cause where were you when none of this was cool?
Anywhere but here.
As if you had a clue what we're about.
It's more than you could know.
This is the last time you turn what we've built
Into something so cheap with words.
You weren't there, you didn't care about us.
And we're supposed to take what you say as fact?
Fuck that man!
All the talk, all the lies, against what we still feel inside.
It's shit like that, from kids like you,
That judge the rest without a clue.
Without a clue!

2) Face It
I know it's hard to keep your spirits high
And never doubt yourself when
It's so easy to just say “I don't care.“
Pull yourself together, and face it once again.
Realize if you give it up you'll lose it in the end.
It's hard to try when all the rest have called it quits
And you're left to ask yourself “Is it fucking worth it?“
Pull yourself together, and face it once again.
Realize if you give it up you'll lose it in the end.
Your spirit's down but you're not out!
'Cause you've got the choice, to take this doubt
And turn it into hope.
It's your call.
But as for me, I'll turn it for the better.
I won't quit,
'Cause I'm the one who's got to live
With the regret of giving up.
And after all I've worked for,
It means much more than that!

3) Up Front
Up front, that's where you belong.
This song's from all of us, so let's all sing along.
The music and the feelings of the kids that really care.
Stronger when together, strongest when aware.
Here is where we all stand together,
And this is what we'll never let fall apart.
Now's our chance so let's do it right.
Show the rest we won't go down, not without a fight.
No such thing as us versus you.
We've got the same ideas,
Just different crews!

4) Between Us
I'm always pointing fingers,
And blaming someone else.
It's time I held my breath for once
And took a good look at myself.
'Cause maybe this time it's me,
As I come off as so right.
Went a bit too far with this
And let judgement cloud my sight.
Used to think it was so cool
To say I'm better than you.
It got me nowhere fast,
I couldn't see your view.
There's something wrong with that,
When i hold myself so high.
'Cause something's come between us
With no reason why.
And there's no reason at all!

5) Go!
I'll never just sit back and watch.
Motivation and effort can change so much,
Just when you think you've got nothing left to show,
That's the time when you gotta get up,
Gotta get up and go.
Days go by so fuckin' fast but what gets done?
Wasting life sitting on our ass, blame everyone,
Let's get involved, let's make a change,
Let's get out of that bed we've made.
Never waste a single day, never let the movement fade.
We can do so much I know if we just start now and fuckin' go!
No excuses I'm tired of those,
Excuses are just wasted words.

6) We'll Be Fighting
Taking so much shit for saying we still care.
Trying every song to keep that feeling in the air.
So come on take your shots, we've been through this before.
It's only made us stronger in what we're living for.
You think your words can break us down.
But nothing's gonna change, we'll never join your crowd.
You think we'll never make a difference.
I know we're gonna fucking try.
No matter what you say, we'll be here and we'll be fighting
For something we believed in before we even knew your name.
No matter what you say, we'll be here and we'll be fighting
For something we believe in, something inside that won't ever change.
More than just a mark.
More than just a name.
It's something to believe in.
It won't ever change!

Atari - Skate Tuff

1) Skate Tuff
Push off hard! Go real fast! Skate tuff kid,you`re built to last! Skate tuff!

2) Hold True
So young,so free these feelings flow through me,and as I grow,these feelings
stay with me.Becoming something more than just the written word,they find my
voice and are forever heard.I know,I won`t go back on what I`ve said.I`ll keep
this promise with my friends.I can no longer speak for you,you know I`ll hold
true.I can`t forget the freedom of these days and what it means to say I`m here
to stay. I hope you understand that years go by so fast,but if we sing along I
know we`ll make it last. To my friends and the times we`ve had...and to the
words that we once spoke...all the feelings that we have shared...and in the end
we`ll still be here...Hold true!

3) Keep It Fun
Built this up from fuckin` scratch kids made the choice to see this last.where
everyone can find new friends and in our hearts the show never ends.at the show
kids can get things done,never tear us apart man,here we stand as one.While some
have grown old they weren`t true from the start,that won`t happen to us we`ve
got hardcore in our hearts...gassler...nothing beats a hardcore show when all
the kids yell fuckin` go! It`s time we all learned to understand just what this
X means on our hand.Let`s do this right,let`s stand as one,let`s make this
work,and keep it fun!

4) What It Means
Turned your back on all you believed think that this is all a joke but it`s not
that way to me.Go ahead spread your lies and accusations about us and if it
makes you feel better,let your memories turn to dust.You put us down,make fun of
us,we act like kids,you`re so grown up.I won`t shed a single tear to see you
leave this show,why sould we want you here in a scene you say is dead and gone,
maybe you never cared,but it`s all I fuckin` know.And still it means so much to
me,the music fun and energy,and there`s one thing I know for sure man:I`ll never
be like you!

5) Devotion
We heard you as you screamed true till deathbut now I ask you what is left,all
those songs about drug free youth never meant a thing to you.You`re all X`ed up
but your hearts not there.In a few weeks you won`t even care,you`ve lost the
edge,you`ve turned away,but it`s my life man I`ll fuckin` stay. I`ll carry on
where you left off,I haven`t forgotten the goals you taught. The morals which
you`ve honed in me they will keep me forever free!

6) Ease Back
Fists have risen,knuckles bled cause we`re too proud to use our heads,now what`s
left but senseless hate it seems our ego has sealed our fate.I now know how
wrong I was to raise my fists just because of stupid words from simple minds and
the fucking rage that made me blind. But now,I`ll think before I raise my fists.
I`ll think about the words I say and maybe then we`ll talk it out and see that
fightings not the way. It`s about time that you and I...and use our heads and
drop our fists to...let`s make our time and catch our breath to...let`s trust
eachother at least enough to..just fuckin` ease back!

7) Best Of Friends
Days become years and bring friendship to an end.Choices become regret,I
remember what you said. I won`t lose another friend to a fucking lie that`s a
fuckin` trend.But if you turn away there`s nothing I can say.All I want is for
this to last but it`s hard when I can`t change the past. So now we walk away and
pretend we never truly cared. I know thats not true cuz I can`t forget the times
we`ve shared. So when we pass eachother let`s lift our heads and not pretend
that just two years back we didn`t call eachother the best of friends.
We used to be the best of friends!

8) Go!
I`ll never just sit back and watch.Motivation and effort can change so much,just
when you think you`ve got nothing left to show,that`s the time when you gotta
get up you gotta get up and go! Days go by so fuckin` fast but what gets done?
Wasting life sitting on our ass,blame everyone,let`s get involved,let`s make a
change,let`s get out of that bed we`ve made. Never waste a single day,never let
the movement fade We can do so much I know if we just start now and fuckin` go!
Go! Go! No excuses I`m tired of those,excuses are just wasted words.
Get up and go!

Добавлено: 27:06:2006 22:06:52
Skate Tuff EP --- katiru o4en ;DDD
UP FTONG i GO! vose lubimie treki...
pro nih o4en trudno naiti Info... ja uze na eto polozil 3 goda svoei zizni...

Добавлено: 27:06:2006 22:24:24
а я вот что-то не понимал никогда чего уж такого особенного в этой группе,кроме того,что она была одной их превых в новой волне юф-кру.
а так..сделали легенду надумано весьма

Добавлено: 27:06:2006 22:26:27
Bloody Mary`s Bloody Cunt
Вам молодой человек лишь бы честный хардкор охаять.
Групка неплохая, бывает и получше.