бал-маскарад и треш-шапито на вольные темы

Модераторы: греческий огонь, no means no, KOHb

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Откуда: Ireland
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iPod music (MP4) to MP3 player

Сообщение kitanaIrelande »

Want to share my own story, hope it's helpful for someone.
Ihave an iTunes account user and there are gigabites of m4p files on my PC. Of course I enjoyed them on iPod. But last month my iPod was stolen (sh*t!) and I've got a new zune player on St Valentine's day! Obviously I was unable to copy my M4P collection to it because these file had iTunes DRM protection. Fornately I found MP4 converter and converted all my iTunes library just in a few minutes!So I would recommend this MP4 converter if you have any problems with protected files - it can convert them to unprotected MP3 or any other format so you can use them without iTunes application.
The url is mp4-converter.info or something like this. Tell me if you need exact will go thru my mail
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Re: iPod music (MP4) to MP3 player

Сообщение Youngster »

ахуеть! я прозрел
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Re: iPod music (MP4) to MP3 player

Сообщение xmagax »

and I've got a new zune player on St Valentine's day!
трахались потом?